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Finding Your Work Bestie

We are so very lucky to have found each other! It is so important to have a relationship with a co-worker that fosters good discussion and brainstorming sessions, a safe place to vent, and a person with whom you can celebrate accomplishments.

Everyone needs “their person” at work. As an SLP we not only have variety in our job and populations served, but we get to choose our Work Bestie from a variety of amazing people that surround us. Our Work Bestie could be a fellow SLP, a teacher, an OT, a PT, a CNA or the school psych. Really, it could be anyone with shared interests around the students, patients or clients we serve. Beyond that, we seem to look for that person that enjoys the same things and has some similar personality traits, but has enough differences to provoke good discussion and complement our strengths. While we sometimes need “our person” to back up what we are thinking or doing, we also need to trust them enough to let us know when we need to reign it in. Sometimes you and your Work Bestie might consider yourselves “two peas in a pod,” while others might think of each other as “the ying to their yang”. The most important part is that you have someone who knows what you need in any given moment to help you be successful at work and help you manage the stressors of work and life.

Our top 3 perks of having a Work Bestie.

1. Having a built-in cheerleader. Someone that is always rooting and encouraging you. There is no room in this relationship for jealousy, envy, or competition. It feels just as good to give compliments, support and build up as it does to receive them.

2. Getting the honest truth, no matter what. Knowing that your Work Bestie will always listen without judgment, but tell you the truth, is what makes them the best person to have by your side. We all love a second opinion on what we are thinking.

3. Sharing everything…a personal story, a picture, an inside joke, a bad day, a laugh. Knowing that you can pop in for a quick chat or have a few quick text exchanges makes the good work days better and the bad work days tolerable. We can’t imagine not having our person to share our highs and lows with and it makes going to work just that much better!

If you haven’t found your Work Bestie, we want to encourage you to pay attention, put yourself out there, and put in some effort. It is worth it! It will likely make you better at your job and an all-around happier person. If you have someone in mind, consider working on that relationship. Make time for each other – invite the other person out for coffee, schedule lunch together, or go out for happy hour. Definitely “talk shop” while you are together, but don’t forget to connect on a personal level as well and share things about your family and your interests. Sure, we could brainstorm about clients and talk about our work all day long, but what keeps us so connected is what we share about our lives. So, don’t forget to do both!

We like to consider ourselves a “dynamic duo”, we push each other to keep moving forward and to keep reaching for new goals. We are sure you all have a “partner in crime” of your own. We would love to hear about your Work Bestie and how they have made your work life more fulfilling and fun. We bet you began to accomplish more and more once they were part of your life. Share a story or photo of you and your Work Bestie with us. Tell us the best part of working with them and how they have improved your work life. Use our hashtag, #BBworkbestie to post and earn a chance to win a free Starbucks gift card to enjoy a nice treat with your other half! You know that Meredith Grey would have never made it without Christina Yang. What famous duo best describes your work relationship? Thelma and Louise, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Laverne and Shirley? Relationships are a key component in your success, you don’t have to do it alone. Share the load, share the laughs, share the success.


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