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2B or not 2B – B&B’s Decision 2B in 2022

2B GRATEFUL – Reflection on 2021 should be focused on the things that happened that were wonderful versus feeling sorry for the things you may have lost. Be grateful for stress, failures, struggle – this is life! Recognize it all and grateful for every day.

  • 2B PRESENT – Time is so short. Be present in your daily chaos, recognize it as your beautiful life. Don’t be lost in anger, the past or your phone. We do believe in capturing your moments though, nothing better than a time hop memory.

  • 2B KIND – We want to be a reminder that you never know what people are going through. Don’t judge, be the smile, be the compliment, be the light for all you meet.

  • 2B INSPIRED – Be passionate in everything you do, stay inspired to do better and don’t get stuck in your ways.

  • 2B the BEST – Don’t settle for less. Strive every day to be your very best self. If we are at our best, we can help others achieve their best.

  • 2B SURROUNDED BY POSTIVITY – Stay away from negativity, choose to be surrounded by friends and co-workers that build you up, encourage you, and make you happy.

All these 2Bs are choice, a decision you make for yourself every day. When you forget, we will try and remind you. Choose to make 2022 your best year yet. Love, B&B


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